Natural Resources Management Department
The Natural Resources Management Department provides sound, cost effective management of environmental resources. This is accomplished by developing and implementing management plans, regulations, and outreach programs designed to preserve and protect Brevard County's natural resources to further their public utilization and enjoyment.

Information about the Brevard County Beach Management Program, dune vegetation, innovative technologies and restoration projects.

Boating and Waterways
Brevard County's Boating and Waterways Program, Marine Advisory Council, D2 Dredge Committee, derelict vessels, management plans and monofilament recovery.

Environmental Resources Management and Permitting
Learn about the Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Program, environmental permitting regulations, permitting review process, application forms and Viera Wetlands.

Environmental Remediation and Compliance
Info about the Environmental Remediation and Compliance Section, environmental remediation, environmental compliance, hazardous waste, resources and statistics

Stormwater Program
Learn about the Brevard County Stormwater Program, construction projects, outreach and rain barrel registration.

Save Our Indian River Lagoon
Read about the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan, the Citizen Oversight Committee, dredging projects, grants, view maps, see the dashboard and watch videos.