Brevard County Tourism Development Office
The Tourism Development Office (TDO) consists of Brevard County employees who serve as the staff for the department and report to the County Manager’s Office. The Tourist Development Council (TDC) is a nine-member advisory board that is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and makes recommendations to them regarding grants, budget allocations, and other items related to tourism activities. The day-to-day operations such as promotion and advertising, visitor information services, as well as budget preparation and financial reporting of the Tourist Development Tax revenues and expenditures are managed through the Tourism Development Office. Other activities managed through the TDO include funding of beach renourishment projects, capital facilities projects, zoo distribution, and Space Coast Stadium capital repairs and maintenance.

Tourist Development Council
The Tourist Development Council is an appointed advisory council to the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners on expenditures of revenues received from the levy and imposition of the tourist development tax.

There are five standing committees: Marketing, Beach Improvement, Capital Facilities, Cultural, and Sports.

Grant Programs
Information about Beach and Indian River Lagoon Grants and Capital Facilities Grants.