Brevard County Public Works
The Public Works Department is made up of the following programs:

Public Works Administration / Finance
Tammy Thomas-Wood, Public Works Support Service Manager
Administers the design and construction of transportation improvement projects funded through gas tax and locally collected impact fees. The Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) and Special Assessments area provides residents with a funding mechanism for specific infrastructure improvements including road resurfacing, water, and sanitary sewer line installation. The Customer Service area provides citizen support and referrals as well as, staff support for all programs within Public Works.

Road and Bridge Maintenance
Susan Jackson, Assistant Director, Road and Bridge Manager
Administers the maintenance of all County roadways, drainage structures, ditches and canals, and the design, installation, and maintenance of landscaping projects on County roads and facilities.

Rachel Gerena, P.E., Public Works Engineering Manager
Permits and inspects improvements in the County right-of-way and provides inspection on County transportation projects.

Traffic Operations
Corrina Gumm, P.E., Traffic Operations Program Manager
Oversees all signage, signalization, and striping.

Survey and Mapping
Michael Sweeney, Brevard County Surveyor, Surveying and Mapping Manager
Consists of surveying services, vacating, right-of-way use agreements, and map reproduction.