Wuesthoff Park

Nature trail is open after 7 am until dark. The Homer Powell Nature Center is located at Wuesthoff Park, a 25 acre community park off Barna Avenue just south of SR 50. Visitors who drop by for a leisure hike will discover a natural Florida forest with three distinct woodland habitats: a wetland area, hardwood hammock and upland pine forest. The half-mile sandy nature trail wanders under towering trees through native plant and animal habitats, providing a glimpse of the natural Florida frontier.

Near the nature center, several picnic tables with a grill are located in an open grass area while a park bench offers a scenic view of the wetlands. Trail Clearing, plant identification and stakes, trail map, and site map are the result of volunteer opportunities.

Wuesthoff Trail
Boardwalk surrounded by brush
Walking trail
Nature trail bench.
Exercise station.
Nature trail boardwalk.


  • Playground
  • Restroom
  • 24x28 Rustic Nature Center
  • Up to .5 mile of Nature Trail w/partial boardwalk
  • 4-Picnic Tables
  • Shoreline Fishing

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